About Me

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Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Charles Lam has since 1971 received training in West Germany (telecom) and university education in U.K. (management) and acquired working experiences in Hong Kong and Canada, in a utility company, Hong Kong Government, a multinational organization and a SME. In his career path, he has acquired qualifications from UK institutions including DBA (1990), MBA (1980) and Chartered Engineer (1978). Since 1986, he has left pure engineering to teaching various subjects of business management in Hong Kong for famous universities of Hong Kong, England and United States. He also has served the society as a member of an advisory committee of the Hong Kong Government for eight years, and as the Hon. Chairman of its Consumer Education Group. Later, he set up his own company to offer services as a consultant, writer and speaker. In his 'Second Half Time', he has been working passionately on integrating Christian values with management knowledge, in the marketplace/workplace ministry, serving hospitals, churches and organizations, as a speaker, consultant, life coach, and the leader of a REST Group based on a life story approach. Charles is currently living with his wife in Canada.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

轉念事業, 解脫作業、職業、專業困惑 (第一部份)

-多數香港人談話中問 : "係邊處揾食(撈、發財)", "你做邊行", .... 西人卻問: "Where do you work?( 工作)" , "what is your business? (業務) "; 少人問: "What is your career? (事業)"
-你怎樣介紹給別人自己的工作生涯(work life)? 會連結過去、現在、將來嗎?為什麽 ?
-怎樣去介紹, 反映你怎樣看工作、事業, 怎至你怎樣看生命的意義、價值觀、神學!
-不同的人有不同的思維, 從短視到遠見

(1) 作業
-工作 (動詞) (job, activity): 打字、寫作、賣產品、劃畫、修理、... 監察、聯絡等
-工作 (名詞) (task, project) : 工程、 項目、程序 、 事件 、等
-Q: 是否天天每小時都是實踐這動詞? 這動詞還會適合幾多年? 
-Q: 這名詞會跟着你多久? 完成了又如何?

(2) 職業 (work nature)
-功能性 (function, process) : 創新、策劃、市場推廣、生產 、會計、評估等 
-角色性 (role, post): 組長、演員、輔導員、協調員、管家、主管、CEO、公務員等
-Q: 是否天天每小時都是執行這功能? 這功能還會適合幾多年? ...
-Q: 會否覺得這些角色用詞有些含糊? 好像欠缺了一些東西?

(3) 專業 

-(xx師/牌) (profession) : 工程師、 醫生/師、會計師、教師、牧師等
-行業、界別 (industry, sector): 是xx行/界(如建築、娛樂), 做xx(如製衣、飲食)、...政府
-Q: "一次做x師, 一生做x師?" 你接受這個說法嗎? 或是想: "只是無得揀!"
-Q: 是一世在某一行/界賣命嗎? 你真的與它的關係這麽深嗎?

-一些名詞有連結性: 難分類, 難定資格和級別 e.g. 管理 (1, 2, 3), IT (1, 2, 3)
-一些名詞會帶來不同反應: e.g. 玩音樂、攪創作、經理、自由人、家庭管家、牧者

反思、討論 (to be continued)

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