About Me

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Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Charles Lam has since 1971 received training in West Germany (telecom) and university education in U.K. (management) and acquired working experiences in Hong Kong and Canada, in a utility company, Hong Kong Government, a multinational organization and a SME. In his career path, he has acquired qualifications from UK institutions including DBA (1990), MBA (1980) and Chartered Engineer (1978). Since 1986, he has left pure engineering to teaching various subjects of business management in Hong Kong for famous universities of Hong Kong, England and United States. He also has served the society as a member of an advisory committee of the Hong Kong Government for eight years, and as the Hon. Chairman of its Consumer Education Group. Later, he set up his own company to offer services as a consultant, writer and speaker. In his 'Second Half Time', he has been working passionately on integrating Christian values with management knowledge, in the marketplace/workplace ministry, serving hospitals, churches and organizations, as a speaker, consultant, life coach, and the leader of a REST Group based on a life story approach. Charles is currently living with his wife in Canada.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

經歷(起)多但反思(承)少, 能否更新(轉)? (part 2/3)

(3) 反思, 不只是回憶、回味 --(承)(E- Enlightenment through reflection )

-反思/思考 why, how (衝擊), how (回應)

-分析事情發生的因果--是因為環境、機會、威脅、人物、機構、性格、情緒、健康、 等?

-了解個人當下之感受和反應--酸甜苦辣、 自豪、挫敗、困惑… (不能)面對、(不能)接受、激動、放棄、等

-為什麼事情而感恩? 是神的手保護着、牽引着?

-喜歡回到那時嗎 ? 還有什麼想完成的事情? 為何?

-心裡還埋藏了什麼迷網、矛盾、苦痛? 為什麼想(或不想)忘記呢? 還沈溺着從前的光輝? 還有不甘心? 未饒恕?……

-"Turn your scars into stars!" Bobert H. Schuller

-察覺到什麼重覆出現的「模式」? --因為當時的環境


-走過這些路後, 其實自己也變了--性格 (正義? 倔強? 驕傲? 無知? 疏忽?...), 名、利、權力的追求? 願不願意放手?....價值觀、世界觀 、人生觀的改變 (就是以前的「轉」) ?

-學懂了什麽?-- 智慧、知識比學位、証書更寶貴!

-了解到轉捩點多未必帶來真的 「轉」

-神怎樣看我的過去? 祂要我學習什麽? 祂是否為未來塑造我? 召命的認定.


-經歷多可能是迷失, 未必是學習得好! 同意否?
-從回顧過去, 知道人的「軟」性的產業 (assets) 比「硬」性的產業更為更要

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