About Me

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Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Charles Lam has since 1971 received training in West Germany (telecom) and university education in U.K. (management) and acquired working experiences in Hong Kong and Canada, in a utility company, Hong Kong Government, a multinational organization and a SME. In his career path, he has acquired qualifications from UK institutions including DBA (1990), MBA (1980) and Chartered Engineer (1978). Since 1986, he has left pure engineering to teaching various subjects of business management in Hong Kong for famous universities of Hong Kong, England and United States. He also has served the society as a member of an advisory committee of the Hong Kong Government for eight years, and as the Hon. Chairman of its Consumer Education Group. Later, he set up his own company to offer services as a consultant, writer and speaker. In his 'Second Half Time', he has been working passionately on integrating Christian values with management knowledge, in the marketplace/workplace ministry, serving hospitals, churches and organizations, as a speaker, consultant, life coach, and the leader of a REST Group based on a life story approach. Charles is currently living with his wife in Canada.

Monday, December 30, 2013



-是傳神的創造 : 恩賜、生命資產、使命、召命 (在起、承、合)

-是傳基督的救贖: 心意更新, 舊事已過, 悔改 (在轉)

  • 人生最大的 「轉」就是跟從主耶穌! 從前是瞎眼, 現在可看 見前路(方向、目標)

-是傳聖靈的引導: 行動、神的帶領、警報、求救 (在合)
  • 人生路滿有轉捩點 . 信主後還是不斷地「轉」和「合」

-是傳今生至永恆的人生路: 運用生命資產、結果子、做忠心僕人、得神的賞賜 (在合)
  • 生命故事要繼續寫下去! 連結過去、現在 、 將來. 連結個人的故事和神的故事

-講述者不只是參加教會傳福音活動; 也不是只用口傳; 

  • 是相信活好自己的生命就是福音!

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

轉念事業, 解脫作業、職業、專業困惑 (第三部份)

打造個人事業 (Career)

-事業是生命 (life) 的一部份

-作業 < 職業、專業 (making a living) < 事業 < 生命 (making a life) (making a difference)

-為計劃自己的事業, 試用一至兩句, 連結作業、職業、專業....

      .....基本元素: (a) 為服侍誰 (和在那裏) (b) 怎樣用你的 「生命資產」服侍 (c) 支撐的金句

-好例子: "....用知識、技能, 在建築界做光做鹽...."; "...用心思和寫作技巧給讀者盼望..."

-差例子: "我要做一個成功的CEO"; "我要做一個高尚的企業家"


-有智慧地選擇、 集中, 投資在「生命資產」, 一步步打造 (可能不必要轉工轉行!)

-做事業計劃是屬靈的, 因為腦子是神的禮物, 要跟着神好好用它

- 相關思維: 什麽是「成功」, POST 模式, 定位, 塑造品牌, 定標竿, 內/外策略, 個人管理

  • "What is your business/career?" (你的業務/事業是什麽) ? 你通常怎樣回答別人? 如果是上帝問, 你的答案是否一樣 ? 為什麽 ? 
  • 怎樣可以從他們的事業路學習 : 一些信徒、職場老闆、政府官員、社會領袖、等?
  • 你計劃你的事業、人生路, 得到教會 (領袖、弟兄姊妹) 的了解和支持嗎 ? 為什麽 ?

Thursday, November 28, 2013

轉念事業, 解脫作業、職業、專業困惑 (第二部份)


感覺行到十字路口, 可能的原因:

  • 市場動態--'乳酪走了!', 市場規則、人物變了, 參與、持續難了, ... 從前是短視!?
  • 自己的競爭力弱了--年紀、體力、反應退步了; 知識、技能過時了;...
  • 自己的性格--一些 (道德)堅持. 是否固執?是否自我封鎖? 是否不夠靈巧?... 難定對錯.
  • 自己的角色、責任變了--因為婚姻、養育兒女、照顧父母、等
  • 一向做的不想再繼續, 想開始一些屬於自己的(是召命?) ; 不想「身不由己」.

-你有沒有忽略 神的聲音, 被世界的噪音影響了? 怎至 '偏行己路'?

-進階思想生命意義: 更新自己的價值觀、人生觀、神學...

-你曾否就你的工作生涯(work life)與神溝通, 去嘗試連結過去、現在、將來?

-在 making a living 過程中, 也要 making a life!

(to be continued)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

轉念事業, 解脫作業、職業、專業困惑 (第一部份)

-多數香港人談話中問 : "係邊處揾食(撈、發財)", "你做邊行", .... 西人卻問: "Where do you work?( 工作)" , "what is your business? (業務) "; 少人問: "What is your career? (事業)"
-你怎樣介紹給別人自己的工作生涯(work life)? 會連結過去、現在、將來嗎?為什麽 ?
-怎樣去介紹, 反映你怎樣看工作、事業, 怎至你怎樣看生命的意義、價值觀、神學!
-不同的人有不同的思維, 從短視到遠見

(1) 作業
-工作 (動詞) (job, activity): 打字、寫作、賣產品、劃畫、修理、... 監察、聯絡等
-工作 (名詞) (task, project) : 工程、 項目、程序 、 事件 、等
-Q: 是否天天每小時都是實踐這動詞? 這動詞還會適合幾多年? 
-Q: 這名詞會跟着你多久? 完成了又如何?

(2) 職業 (work nature)
-功能性 (function, process) : 創新、策劃、市場推廣、生產 、會計、評估等 
-角色性 (role, post): 組長、演員、輔導員、協調員、管家、主管、CEO、公務員等
-Q: 是否天天每小時都是執行這功能? 這功能還會適合幾多年? ...
-Q: 會否覺得這些角色用詞有些含糊? 好像欠缺了一些東西?

(3) 專業 

-(xx師/牌) (profession) : 工程師、 醫生/師、會計師、教師、牧師等
-行業、界別 (industry, sector): 是xx行/界(如建築、娛樂), 做xx(如製衣、飲食)、...政府
-Q: "一次做x師, 一生做x師?" 你接受這個說法嗎? 或是想: "只是無得揀!"
-Q: 是一世在某一行/界賣命嗎? 你真的與它的關係這麽深嗎?

-一些名詞有連結性: 難分類, 難定資格和級別 e.g. 管理 (1, 2, 3), IT (1, 2, 3)
-一些名詞會帶來不同反應: e.g. 玩音樂、攪創作、經理、自由人、家庭管家、牧者

反思、討論 (to be continued)

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

反思與努力面前的關係 (第二部份)

要明白反思的價值, 它的重要性! 

=不只是「起」 R (recollection of incidents in the past), 要有「承」 E (enlightenment through reflection), 否則便停留(享受? 迷網? 自欺?) 在從前的經歷中
=反思是學習 (learning) 的重要部份, 否則便是「短路」的學習週期 (learning cycle), 重複犯錯

B1) 反思是為感恩

=分析過往經歷的因果, 感恩神的手保護着、牽引着 (詩篇23: 4)

B2) 反思是為悔改、醫治、更新(「轉」) (羅 12:2)

= 悔改以前犯的罪, 忘記過往的風光、價值、技量, 舊事已過 (林後 5: 17)
=沒有反思, 不會有悔改; 沒有悔改, 不會得釋放。是陶造, 是醫治。
=如獨自難做這部份, 求與神(和導師)一起反思

B3) 反思是為自我認知(詩篇23:3)

=反思、分析過往能了解「我是誰?」 我為誰辛苦為何忙?... 加添智慧

B4) 反思是為肯定召命

=神怎樣看我的過去? 祂要我學習什麽? 祂為何給我那些資產?

B5) 反思是為裝備、行動計劃 (「合」)

=明白神的旨意向前行, 活出豐盛的生命
=忘記背後的失敗,不要它成為前路的障礙 (腓 3:13-14)
=個人管理 e.g. 過往浪費時間的方法,怎樣去改? 那些角色要抓緊,那些要淡化

-我 雖 然 行 過 死 蔭 的 幽 谷 、 也 不 怕 遭 害 . 因 為 你 與 我 同 在 .....(詩篇23:4)
-不要效法這個世界.只要心意更新而變化、叫你們察驗何為 神的善良、純全可喜悅的旨意 (羅馬書 12: 2)
-若有人在基督裡,他就是新造的人;舊事已過,都變成新的了(林後 5: 17)
-....我只有一件事、就是忘記背後努力面前的、  向著標竿直跑、要得 神在基督耶穌裡從上面召我來得的獎賞。( 3:13-14)

Sunday, October 06, 2013

反思與努力面前的關係 (第一部份)

A1) 不反思: 是被社會文化影響了風格 (影響性格)

=被鬥大、鬥多、鬥快的社會文化侵食了,.... 要多聚會、多商機、多應酬... 忙就是好! 停下來就好辛苦!「得閒死吾得閒病!」「繼續運作才有生產力! 」, 反思是浪費時間!...
=配合獨特的城市(像香港)生態: 交通方便, 電子通訊發達, 盛行 「煲水」文化

A2) 不反思: 

=不能面對自己的過去 (成敗、得失、升跌、離合)? 埋藏了一些苦楚 、恐懼 、矛盾、不甘心!.....想忘記但不能?....還想完成的事但不能? .... 怕靜, 難獨處,... 可能是心理病!

A3) 不反思: 因為懶惰 (影響性格)

=「即食」風格, 「活在當下便是辛福! 」, 思考功夫太辛苦(是懶?)!...沒有時間反思 (但有時間吃喝玩樂)!......可能是被社會文化侵食了!

**以上其實是不明白反思的價值, 它的重要性! (詩 139:23-24)

=可否靜下來, 多想想: 生命的意義? 從前為誰辛苦為何忙? ....
=不只是「起」 R (recollection of incidents in the past), 要有「承」 E (enlightenment through reflection), 否則便停留(享受? 迷網? 自欺?) 在從前的經歷中
=反思是學習 (learning) 的重要部份, 否則便是「短路」的學習週期 (learning cycle), 重複犯錯
=最好的作家、發明家等都是好反思者 (但有些創業者、領袖不是好反思者)

-神啊!求你鑑察我,知道我的心思,試煉我,知道我的意念, 看在我裏面有甚麼惡行沒有,引導我走永生的道路。(詩 139:23-24)

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

打造個人品牌 , 也讓 神陶造生命 (第二部分)

也讓 神陶造生命 

一個人的恩賜神可賞賜, 也可收回
生命全讓神主宰 e.g. 多給誰,就向誰多取;多託誰,就向誰多要(路12:48)
神(不是你)是控制者: 環境、機會、威脅: e.g. 乳酪可搬走
一個人是否「轉」得好: 神看, 不是人看; 是全人, 不是局部
神磨練你是為你好: e.g. 建立你的品格; 成為合神心意的器皿
要得息得力: 神的命令:「你們要休息 , 要知道我是神! 」(詩篇 46:10)
要減壓輕身: "....我的擔子是輕省的" (太11: 28-30)
要管理好身体, 是神的殿; 要管理好資源, 我不是物主, 只是管家
依靠 神的話語作導航(steering) 系統
神看成功: 聽祂的話, 行祂的道; 祂注重內心(達標和過程; 不只追求 tangibles)


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

打造個人品牌 , 也讓 神陶造生命 (第一部份)

打造個人品牌 (brand image)
  • 是在生命故事的「轉」和「合」階段進行 
  • 配合「你的業務是什麽 ?」(What is your business ?)思維 
  • 被僱者或自由人: 管理好與顧客和持份者的人關係、互動 
  • 打造的目標 : 在溝通、合作、 合約的過程中, 他們能清楚見到.... 

# 你的獨特哲學、人生觀、價值觀...「人生使命」與「公司使命」的連結
# 你的事業定位 (和業蹟) 
# 你的獨特熱忱、強項、風格 
# 你運用知識 、 資源 、 時間是由價值推動
# 你的品格 : 誠信 、 忠心 、 細心 、 忍耐 、等.... 是時常一致
# 你的外表從心而發 “….人是看外貌、耶和華是看內心 ” (撒 母 耳上 16:7). 
  • 「轉」: 從(從前的你)為商機、名聲、門面到(現在的你) 表現給 神看 
  • 打造個人品牌是要刻意的, 要有耐性 
  • 事業新開始、「更生」人士更要有耐性打造 
  • 測試 : 訪問幾個「 老友」: 我那些事是做得最好? 用什麽關鍵詞來描寫我? 
  • 測試 : 離開這裏 (公司、行業、地區等) 後, 客人會否尋找你? 


Tuesday, September 03, 2013

REST 與 rest 的關係

與 REST (起、承、轉、合)有關係的 rest

1) 為 R = Recollection of incidents in the past = 起

-追溯歷史, 回憶以往的發展及成績

-主要回憶what, when, where, who


2) 為E = Enlightenment through reflection = 承

-反思從前成敗得失的過程、酸甜苦辣的感受, 因而明白神要我學習什麽, 可以更加了解自己的強項弱項

-主要回憶和思考 why, how

-"Make peace with your past, so that it won't screw up the present (and future)"

3) 為S = Shifting the paradigms = 轉

-悔改、心意更新而變化 (羅馬 12 : 1-2)

-範式轉換 (從神看): 對成功、事業、資產、回報、豐盛、健康、婚姻等的改觀 (#):

#人生遠象、夢想: 從不想有到想有; 從為己得益到榮神益人; 從拼搏尋金到積財在天….

#追求的東西: 從 make a living 的打工到 make a difference 的事業; 從數字到生命資產;....

#追求的策略、方法: 從拼搏揾錢、及時行樂到簡化生活、工作為祭; 從身不由己、聖俗二分到選擇、集中、紀律、與主同行; 從忙亂尋知識到終身學習; 從單打獨鬥到團隊網絡; .....

4) 為T = Tracking after action planning = 合


-靈修過程有想及(但未做): 策略、裝備、訂標竿、個人管理、導師/同行者/等的幫助; ....


"弟兄們、我不是以為自己已經得著了.我只有一件事、就是忘記背後努力面前的、 向著標竿直跑、要得 神在基督耶穌裡從上面召我來得的獎賞。"(腓 利 比 3:13-14)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Strategic responses facing challenges

Strategies for responding to environmental challenges can be categorized in the following way. They are applicable not only to a person, but also to an organisation (including church and NGO), and even a bigger entity (industry, city, country), embracing both ‘external’ and ‘internal’ strategies.

(1) proactive: changing environments surrounding the situation, e.g. culture, laws, rules; influencing others to do likewise; asking for help;…
(2) active responsive: adapting to the surrounding environments (for survival); “In Rome, do what Romans do”, submitting to authority; acting to protect oneself; moving (escaping) away from the situation;…
(3) passive responsive : doing nothing to avoid turbulences; delaying decision making while observing; waiting for an opportunity; …
(4) passive : avoiding to face the situation; pretending not seeing the situation; waiting for luck; giving up planning & steering;…

The decision maker needs first to understand the background relevant to and the character, strengths and weaknesses of the entity . Timing is also important. That is, for it to be effective, he needs to use a situational approach to make a choice.

The favourite choices for most people are (2) and (3).

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

In life management, top-down conceptual thoughts need bottom-up actions to materialise

Preachers, teachers, authors and the like, often talk about the importance of having vision, mission, life purpose, life goals, etc. Full of joy and confidence during the listening and reading, we think that life problems can soon be solved through the input of these concepts. However, often only a short while after reception, concepts are forgotten, life is full of challenges and frustration returns. This is relevant to (internal) conflict management.

We need to start (from low level) actions to implement (high level) concepts to get experiences and then to reflect on these experiences, in order to reinforce these concepts. This is called action learning.

Bottom-up actions: distinguishing wishes from truth--a verse often quoted in sermons is " But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6: 33). If a person unfortunately misunderstands the message and separates spiritual life from secular life, then he would just do and think about things 'spiritual' and ignore his 'secular' daily duties and responsibilities. This is relevant to knowledge management.

Bottom-up actions: balancing roles--we need wisdom from God to know how to say 'yes' and 'no' to activities, as we need to play so many roles in life--a family member, a friend, a Christian, a relative, a classmate, a volunteer, etc. It is not too difficult to find out which activities are good in God's eyes. This is relevant to role management.

Bottom-up actions: meeting higher level goals--for example, if I work hard, I can finish (1) this course in a year's time, after which I can (2) apply for that job, so that (3) I can serve some people, following (4) a calling from God. Going from (1) to (4) is bottom-up step-by-step actions. This is relevant to time management.

Bottom-up actions: don't procrastinate--fear of storms outside, falling in love with the comfort zone, fear of failures,....There can be a long list of reasons for not taking the first step. This is relevant to strategic management.

May God help us to take bottom-up actions, to realise our God-given dreams.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Career planning is spiritual

Some say that career planning is not spiritual, because if we rely on our own power to plan the way forward and not on God's, that is human pride.

However, I think career planning is spiritual because our brain is God's gift, and it is good to use it, guided by God's words.

Indeed, it will be our planning! But if guided by God, it will be His planning too! He is pleased with 
our faithfulness to follow Him.

Therefore, I think that Christians should not just sit (or stand) there and wait for God's telling us when and how to take each and every piece of action. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. 

God even wants us to take some risks in moving forward, I believe. Why not? This is a way for us to learn to be a good steward of our
resources: time, energy, money, etc. Sometimes, He even wants to teach us a lesson through our failures!

"Move only when you see a vision", "wait for God's signal", "walk step by step" , etc., might be biblical but could also be noises from outside or internal voices that cheat ourselves. Or could be laziness driven by Satan!

Therefore, the saying that "living in the moment is a blessing"(活在當下就是幸福) could be a myth. This thought may be applicable to people in special situations e.g. living amid a disaster, old aged, being sick; that is, when they can't move forward even though they want to.

But for most people, we do have a choice. Even in very adverse situations, we can use our willpower to overcome barriers and comfort zones. For Christians, we are more blessed as we can get help from brothers and sisters and our Almighty God.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013








Monday, July 22, 2013

Life is Like a Song

Life is Like a Song

Life is like a song
Waiting to be sung.
Will it be played softly
Or like the beating of a drum?

The lyrics are being
Recorded each and every day
In all that we do
And in all that we say.

If we choose to follow God and
Abstain from the devil and his ways
Our song will have a beautiful melody
One of purity and praise.

Now go ahead and write your glorious
Song as you live for Christ each day

For great will be your reward and
In heaven you'll forever stay.

~Alma Norman

Saturday, July 20, 2013










上帝說: 不要為自己申冤,寧可讓步,聽憑主怒;因為主說申冤在我,我必報應。


























Monday, July 08, 2013

祈禱文為兒子, 也為剛出生的孫兒

祈禱文為兒子, 也為剛出生的孫兒....

主啊!求你塑造我的兒子,使他夠堅強到能認識自己的軟弱;夠勇敢到能面對懼怕; 使他成為一個敗不餒、勝不驕的人。

懇求雕塑我的兒子,不致空有幻想而缺乏行動,引導他認識你,同時又知道,認識 自己乃是真知識的基石。


求你塑造我的兒子,心地清潔,目標遠大,使他在指揮別人之前先懂得駕馭自己, 永不忘記過去的教訓,又能伸展未來的理想



A Father Prayer by General Douglas MacArthur (May 1952)

Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid; one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.

Build me a son whose wishbone will not be where his backbone should be; a son who will know Thee and that to know himself is the foundation stone of knowledge.

Lead him I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort, but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenge. Here let him learn to stand up in the storm; here let him learn compassion for those who fail.

Build me a son whose heart will be clear, whose goal will be high; a son who will master himself before he seeks to master other men; one who will learn to laugh, yet never forget how to weep; one who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past.

And after all these things are his, add, I pray, enough of a sense of humor, so that he may always be serious, yet never take himself too seriously. Give him humility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, the meekness of true strength.

Then, I, his father, will dare to whisper, have not lived in vain.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

計劃事業, 只得動詞不夠

最近和一些滿有人生經歷, 而正在探索前路的人談話, 聽到他們說已經找到了-- 就是找到了一些「動詞」, 例如: 教導、寫作、聯絡、安慰、整合、強化、等。 他們相信只要跟着它們, 便可以找到他們的事業路 。


1. 沒有方向。就算相信「摸著石頭過河」, 也要知道往那裹去。

2. 沒有定位。因為每一個動詞也可以發揮在不同的地區、行業、組織、客戶、等。

3. 沒有配合個人「使命宣言」(mission statement)--基本上要寫出 a) 有熱忱地服侍的對象 (who you have passion to serve) b) 用什麽強項/恩賜去服侍 (applying what strengths/gifts to serve).

要做好這個階段,才可以定標竿、作裝備、向前行, 免得屢次經歷失望、浪費。

要做好這個階段,才能避免迷失, 好像一個獵人因為常常改變他的目標,最終得不到好的收獲!

尋找必尋見, 相信如果一個人繼續用心去尋找方向、定位、草稿使命宣言, 上主的心意會慢慢地顯明

Monday, March 18, 2013

羅馬天主教廷: 「 起、承、轉、合」寫好生命故事

最近的消息是羅馬天主教廷選出了新教宗。這消息令我想起: 用「 起、承、轉、合」四個步驟寫好生命故事。表面看來两者好像是沒有什麽關係, 但其實生命故事不單是適合一個人, 也是適合一個组織、機構、平台等。

「 起」是追溯歷史, 回憶以往的發展及成績
「 承」是反思成敗得失的過程、酸甜苦辣的感受, 了解神 (Vs 我) 怎樣看過去, 因而更加了解自己
「 轉」是悔改、舊事已過、心意更新、價值觀轉變、範式轉換
「 合」是策劃前路、重新定位、訂立目標、為達標行動、監控、駕駛

我認為「寫好生命故事」是很配合策略管理(strategic planning) 思維的, 但現今策略謀士太看重了「合」, 而忽略了「 起、承、轉」這三個步驟, 只向前衝, 而不從過往學習。

普遍上, 對人如是, 對组織如是,「 轉」是最重要, 「 合」是最難。「 轉」得不好, 「 合」便充滿着迷失、矛盾、費力和失敗。

Tuesday, March 05, 2013


*我不明白,你也不明白, ...
  • 為什麼短樁樓起完才被揭發?
  • 為什麼公報帳目後才被發現造假?
  • 為什麼奶粉要有很多嬰兒吃了才知道有毒?
  • 為什麼....? 為什麼....? 為什麼....?......

*要去了解? 還是不去了解?
  • 為揾食, 為保身, 不去看, 不想知, 只服從, 不多問....告訢自己, "我的角色不是警察!"
  • 或者,「我是身不由己? 」... 又或者,「我相信人在大陸, 要做大陸人!」....又或者,參與便有著數?......
  • 信徒在混亂黑暗的世界中是否很難會成功? 

*心意更新, 裏外轉化
  • 從懺悔開始, 先要處理內心的矛盾
  • 要不要討論? 誰帶領討論? ... 在越高層越好!
  • 多想: "如繼續下去, 下一代將會是怎樣的世界!"
  • 信徒要怎樣討論和活用 : 「純如鴿子 , 靈巧像蛇」? 

*有出路? 或是冇出路?
  • 一些作者鼓勵和欣賞 'Whistle Blowers', 不過, 成功的又有幾多個? 希望不是「做一個, 死一個! 」
  • 如果在教會能討論這些問題, 真是美好, 為的是要做好一個24/7信徒!
  • 變革管理, 要由上而下
  • 荒漠甘泉, 希望不會最後被風沙掩蓋!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


前幾天我說會嘗試探素在現今世代, 一些他們返教會和事奉的原因, 有正面的也有負面的; 希望能將管理的角度和成員的角度連结, 找到一些「以人(生命)為本」的教會管理方法.


"如果A君來, 可以為B君打氣; "多啲人, 好啲氣氛!"; "你吾去我就吾去"; "你做我就做"; "冇辦法, xx叫到!"; "冇得揀, 我是會友!".....這裡包括了一些「交差」心態。


也希望不會有太多人只為吃喝玩樂、打發時間、識女(或男)仔、派咭片、兜生意而來! .....這裡包括了一些「揾食」心態。

一間堂會如果有濃烈的「家庭」、「社交群體」、「閒暇場所」功能(參考之前模式) 會吸引這些人。

又, 教會領袖需不需要用又屬靈又屬世的方法去處理他們呢?

新年了, 希望不會有太多人為拜年而返教會吧!

(Facebook posting 寫於蛇年前夕)


-工作上遇到太多困難?「做錯」了事?... 「退休」年齡已到?
-不喜歡組織的文化或領導? 獎勵制度不公平?(與其他組織相比後)
-在人力資源管理,有名叫離職面談 (Exit Interview) 的,試圖去了解員工離開的原因,為了改善組織的制度
-離開多久? 短期或永久?
-離開後他想些什麼? 感恩(能脫苦海)?痛苦? 麻木?....


-與導師交談後? 從各種學習後?

以上是為職場的領袖, 也是為教會的領袖。
我曾經與很多位教會牧者和領袖談及成員離開、流浪、回轉這些問題, 但覺得不應該只停在一些回應上-- "很難處理”,"需要大量的資源才能處理", "他們是隨時歡迎回來的", 等。

我們可否察驗以上的問題, 為尋找教會管理的答案呢?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Charles writing his life story, RESTly (4)

During the 2-year training period with HKTel, I got the opportunity of visiting and studying the operations of different departments of the company, of taking the 28-days Outward Bound Course, and of gaining ‘responsible experiences’ for the application to become a Chartered Engineer. As young as at the age of 27, I achieved such status.

I was smoothly promoted from Trainee Engineer to Engineer. However, I did not manage the change well. As a supervisor and leader, I was just an average one. Moreover, with a satisfactory and steady income, a light workload (HKTC was a monopoly!), and an apparently predictable career path, I started to socialize with friends who were fond of enjoying life. Therefore, although I was motivated to climb up the corporate ladder in the subsequent years of being an Engineer, I could not do so at a reasonable pace, partly due to my own weaknesses in private life and partly due to the problems of the company.  

For about ten years, I had fallen into the trap of taking unhealthy habits including smoking and gambling, resulting many temptation and dilemma experiences . If I had a mentor or life coach to guide me at that time, I would have done much better in my career planning and self management! The period from being an Engineer to my Christian conversion can be called my ‘prodigal son’ period