About Me

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Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Charles Lam has since 1971 received training in West Germany (telecom) and university education in U.K. (management) and acquired working experiences in Hong Kong and Canada, in a utility company, Hong Kong Government, a multinational organization and a SME. In his career path, he has acquired qualifications from UK institutions including DBA (1990), MBA (1980) and Chartered Engineer (1978). Since 1986, he has left pure engineering to teaching various subjects of business management in Hong Kong for famous universities of Hong Kong, England and United States. He also has served the society as a member of an advisory committee of the Hong Kong Government for eight years, and as the Hon. Chairman of its Consumer Education Group. Later, he set up his own company to offer services as a consultant, writer and speaker. In his 'Second Half Time', he has been working passionately on integrating Christian values with management knowledge, in the marketplace/workplace ministry, serving hospitals, churches and organizations, as a speaker, consultant, life coach, and the leader of a REST Group based on a life story approach. Charles is currently living with his wife in Canada.

Thursday, January 03, 2019

在2018尾2019初, 用“起、承、轉、合” 繼續寫生命故事 (part 4/4)

(4) 「合」= T = Tracking (行動計劃與追踪)

-我的個人使命宣言(personal life mission statement)是: “幫助個人或組織得到釋放 、更新和寫好生命故事, 尤其是當他們正在面臨障礙或迷失的時侯。運用着基督教價值的管理概念和方法, 因着他們的需要, 給他們培訓、導引和顧問服務.” 

-個人使命宣言人生路的地圖和指南針, 不能輕易更改。但現正在經歷大轉捩點,我需要再確認它, 然後定方向、定位和定目標 

>在自身方面--獲得加國駕駛Full Licence; 最少閱讀5本有質素的書; 在音樂敬拜方面為堂會作出貢獻; 新中年事工作出貢獻; 幫助兒子作生涯規劃 (希望他接受)

使用; 若神願意,在渥太華建立至少一個REST組; 繼續與香港和加拿大的朋友、基督徒領袖互相造就; 不在職場拼搏, 也可發光!

思維給香港及加拿大的華人教會; 運用着各種社交媒體,我可以榮神益人及作光作鹽

-短期目標與中期/長期目標的連結--我曾在其他文章寫了我的中期/長期目標,現無需修改。但知道現今世界變化快速,定立幾年後的標竿和計劃會越來越困難; 事情的發生
很難預測! 求神時常啟發、引導我! 

-為直奔標竿行動要作好裝備, 管理我的健康和時間需要更多紀律。也要找尋同行者、守望者
激勵我、提醒我! 最重要求神繼續引導我,加我力量!

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