About Me

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Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Charles Lam has since 1971 received training in West Germany (telecom) and university education in U.K. (management) and acquired working experiences in Hong Kong and Canada, in a utility company, Hong Kong Government, a multinational organization and a SME. In his career path, he has acquired qualifications from UK institutions including DBA (1990), MBA (1980) and Chartered Engineer (1978). Since 1986, he has left pure engineering to teaching various subjects of business management in Hong Kong for famous universities of Hong Kong, England and United States. He also has served the society as a member of an advisory committee of the Hong Kong Government for eight years, and as the Hon. Chairman of its Consumer Education Group. Later, he set up his own company to offer services as a consultant, writer and speaker. In his 'Second Half Time', he has been working passionately on integrating Christian values with management knowledge, in the marketplace/workplace ministry, serving hospitals, churches and organizations, as a speaker, consultant, life coach, and the leader of a REST Group based on a life story approach. Charles is currently living with his wife in Canada.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

在2018尾2019初, 用“起、承、轉、合” 繼續寫生命故事 (part 1/4)

(1)「起」= R = Recollection (回憶以往的發展和成績) ; 主要是回憶 what, when, where, who

-開始每週游泳2 至 3 次


-每週兩天能幫女兒照顧我們的 3 個孫兒


-加入渥太華新中年 (New Middle Age) 事工小組, 並參予討論計劃


-在香港渡過了75天,處理我的牙齒、眼鏡和其他家庭事務(尤其是兒子的); 當然也有和REST小組成員和朋友見面. 在這段時間, 我有很多的觀察、思考、反思和感觸

-和我哥哥、妹妹和一些親戚到了韓國濟州有了6天的旅行. 這是一個很有價值的家庭團聚.

-總體而言,來了加拿大生活是我人生的另一個大轉捩點, 而生活方式是全新的. 例如, 住在比香港大得多的房子裡,需要學習很多東西來管理它; 每天單獨與妻子共度很多小時,需要更多的愛、了解和包容; 放時間在以前的朋友、組員和事奉上少了, 而如何放時間在新的活動、事奉上, 我需要繼續探索和禱告, 才能決定參與的程度

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