Dr. Charles Lam has since 1971 received training in West Germany (telecom) and university education in U.K. (management) and acquired working experiences in Hong Kong and Canada, in a utility company, Hong Kong Government, a multinational organization and a SME. In his career path, he has acquired qualifications from UK institutions including DBA (1990), MBA (1980) and Chartered Engineer (1978). Since 1986, he has left pure engineering to teaching various subjects of business management in Hong Kong for famous universities of Hong Kong, England and United States. He also has served the society as a member of an advisory committee of the Hong Kong Government for eight years, and as the Hon. Chairman of its Consumer Education Group. Later, he set up his own company to offer services as a consultant, writer and speaker. In his 'Second Half Time', he has been working passionately on integrating Christian values with management knowledge, in the marketplace/workplace ministry, serving hospitals, churches and organizations, as a speaker, consultant, life coach, and the leader of a REST Group based on a life story approach. Charles is currently living with his wife in Canada.
Congratulations that your dream to get married finally came true on 4th September 2010! Believing that you and Cwant to live a life together to earn God’s praise, I am using some Bible stories and verses to help you to reflect and look forward.
In Genesis, after God had done each piece of work which He saw as beautiful and meaningful, He said ‘it was good! ’ I know that you had done many pieces of work for the wedding day—making your beautiful wedding dress all by yourself,decorating the cottage site for the ceremony embraced by excellent natural environment, preparing and transporting a lot of things from the city, preparing for a joyful evening banquet, etc. Thank God, possible only with help of a Christian ‘family’, your mum and I see them as ‘jobs very well done!’ May God see the same way!
Your mum and I must give ourwholehearted thanks to some people for their special help with passion—xxx donating and rebuilding the cottage site for the ceremony, xxx conducting pre-marital counselling, xxx coaching and mentoring and xxx taking care and developing you. May God also see that their jobs are ‘very well done’ and reward them.
The last words Jesus said as a man was: ‘It’s (job) finished’. No more pain! No more suffering! You and C may hope that after the big job (i.e. the wedding ceremony) is done, all pressure is over, and a peaceful and joyful life journey is lying ahead. After Jesus had said those words, transformation of lives began. To you therefore, this is only a new beginning!
You can also learn from theExodus story--the Israelites running away from a slave’s life, for a clear destination. Ideally, your marriage decision was driven by a clear calling from God, and not by the desire to end a mundane life, or parents’ disturbance. Right from the start of the Israelites’ journey, God had protected them with miracles; but still they were lost. On your wedding day, God also stopped the wind and rain miraculously. This is deep in my memory. I pray that you will get close to Him so that in your journey ahead, you will not get lost.
For looking forward, I am using Philippians 3:14: “..press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me…” which stresses the importance of forward planning and action—setting clear objectives and WORKING HARD for them. Objectives set reveal a person’s heart for what he or she treasures. If your objectives are only children, a big house, a nice car, more assets, etc., you would do no better than non-Christians! I therefore urge you to set objectives to serve men and glorify God, in your careers, ministry and contribution to the society.
A nice way to end this letter is to bless you and C with Verse John 10: 10. May the love of Jesus give you a new life, and you will live it together abundantly! Two life stories have now merged into one,and you two can now continue to write this beautiful story together!
Like flowers, the nature of earthly success can be quite flashy for a brief moment, but will wither and dry up in due course. It is like a mist that appears for just a bit before vanishing without a trace.
However, true success according to Matt 7:24-27 is not temporary.
Inevitably, we will go through difficult times (v25, 27) in life. Perhaps we might get caught in a financial tsunami like the one felt around the world at the end of 2008, or we might experience serious illness, or quite possibly we might end up in a serious car accident. Those who are truly successful, who actually obey Jesus’ words, can withstand these calamities and thrive, just as the house of the wise man stands strong on the rock. The works of their hands will have long lasting impact upon others and bring glory to God. This achievement transcends space and time. That being the case, we cannot deem ourselves to be successful by looking at merely our current situations; we need to take on a long-term view of success.
To take an ultimate view, the storm described in v25 and 27 encompasses God’s final judgment when everyone will have to face Him.
Temporal Needs Satisfied
The criteria for success mentioned above are focused on spiritual and eternal aspects. But what about the temporal aspect – isn’t that important at all? After all, while we do not live on bread alone, we still need to have our basic needs met.
In answer to this question, Jesus makes this promise in Matt 6:33:
33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
We need to prioritize what is most important in our lives and then God will take care of “all these things.” In the context of the verse, “all these things” includes physical needs such as food and clothing, as well as mental aspects, encompassing the needs of our whole being.
Success – BEST
In my view, Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount paints a comprehensive picture of what success is all about for Christians who accept Christ by faith.
Taking all the initial letters of the above four criteria of success, we can spell the acronym “BEST.”This, in a nutshell, is Jesus’ criteria of success for each of us – it’s the very best!
I don’t have to be a billionaire, a top athlete, a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or a Nobel Prize recipient to be considered successful in God’s eyes. On the other hand, I might miss the “BEST” God intends for me even if I become successful in the eyes of the world!
# In addition to his teaching and evangelistic ministries at church, Dr. P.K. Auhas been a marketplace disciple at different workplaces over the past three decades . Currently he is Sessional Instructor at Ambrose Seminary and Volunteer Lecturer at Chrestos College. He is also "tent-making" in The Chinese Academy (Calgary) as Head of External Affairs & Organizational Effectiveness.
Frankly, at the bottom of our heart, no one likes failures;we all want success.
Thanks to the Internet, I have re-connected with more and more of my classmates from high school. I have found that quite a few of them are retired or close to retirement, spending lots of time traveling and enjoying life. Others are high flying politicians, university professors and businessmen. A couple of them are multi-multi-millionaires, and even rank among the top wealthiest people in Hong Kong.At times their successes leave a sour taste in my mouth.
As a Christian, a fundamental question I need to ask myself is: What does success mean in the Bible?Does this mean primarily prosperity in this life as claimed by the highly popular Prosperity Theology advocates such as Joel Osteen?
After much reflection upon the Bible and my own experiences, I would like to share with you my view ofcriteria of success based on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
The first criterion for success can be found in Matt 5:3-10, commonly known as the Beatitudes. Here Jesus describes the ideal qualities of His disciples – in other words,successful disciples– and promises blessings upon them. Some people may translate the word “blessed,” to mean “happy,” buttrue blessedness is so much more – it encompasses happiness, but it cannot simply be reduced to happiness.
I like what D.A. Carson says: “To be ‘blessed’ means, fundamentally, to be approved, to find approval…Since this is God’s universe there can be no higher ‘blessing’ thanto be approved by God…If God’s blessing means more to usthan the approval of loved ones no matter how cherished, or of colleagues no matter how influential, then the beatitudes will speak to us very personally and deeply.”
As depicted in Matt 5:13-16,success also means being effective as the salt of the earth and light of the world. That is, it means being a blessing to others.
As the salt of the earth, we have the effect of delaying moral and spiritual putrefaction of the society we live in. As the light of the world, we are to allow the light of Christ within us to shine out from us, so that people may see it.
(to be continued)
# In addition to his teaching and evangelistic ministries at church, Dr. P.K. Auhas been a marketplace disciple at different workplaces over the past three decades . Currently he is Sessional Instructor at Ambrose Seminary and Volunteer Lecturer at Chrestos College. He is also "tent-making" in The Chinese Academy (Calgary) as Head of External Affairs & Organizational Effectiveness.