About Me

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Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Charles Lam has since 1971 received training in West Germany (telecom) and university education in U.K. (management) and acquired working experiences in Hong Kong and Canada, in a utility company, Hong Kong Government, a multinational organization and a SME. In his career path, he has acquired qualifications from UK institutions including DBA (1990), MBA (1980) and Chartered Engineer (1978). Since 1986, he has left pure engineering to teaching various subjects of business management in Hong Kong for famous universities of Hong Kong, England and United States. He also has served the society as a member of an advisory committee of the Hong Kong Government for eight years, and as the Hon. Chairman of its Consumer Education Group. Later, he set up his own company to offer services as a consultant, writer and speaker. In his 'Second Half Time', he has been working passionately on integrating Christian values with management knowledge, in the marketplace/workplace ministry, serving hospitals, churches and organizations, as a speaker, consultant, life coach, and the leader of a REST Group based on a life story approach. Charles is currently living with his wife in Canada.

Friday, January 16, 2015

信徒在職場, 關關難過總會過 (Part 2/3)

2. 要面對職場主要的問題

市場),指引來自不同方向--先發財後立品; 人不為已, 天誅地滅; 成者為王; 弱肉強食; 與娘共舞; .....
....聲音是從自己來? 從神來? 從魔鬼來? 良心都信唔過!

   >太重視--快快揾到錢便是成功, 工作只是為謀生, .....
   >忽略了--持續關係, 長綫因果, 對各持份者的責任, 平衡生
   >更忽略了--了解「為誰辛苦為何忙? 」, 工作/事業的屬靈意
     義, 分別為聖, 扮演「神兒女」的角色, 為主而活, .....

-難以 (甚至放棄) 分辨犯罪(法律)、道德、犯罪(信仰)

-信徒在困惑中, 不能作道德抉擇. 並不是不想愛神, 只是捨不得世界,想二者兼得!

-因為不肯放棄世界, 信徒知而不行! 身不由己, 放棄良知, 自願做温水青娃!

-信徒重視救恩神學, 熱衷於教會福音活動; 但卻忽略創造神學, 在教會牆外職場中行道變得無能 (也是聖俗二分化)!

-後果 --不能在公司、專業、行業、社會用熱枕、恩賜去工作、結果子、作光鹽


Thursday, January 15, 2015

信徒在職場, 關關難過總會過 (Part 1/3)

1. 引言
-範圍很闊, 是為全面了解, 不是為討論個別案例
-適合為自己的反思和抉擇, 及啓蒙下一代

1.1 進入職場
-揾工難--出路少, 競爭大, 工資底, 前路迷糊, 很難想到生涯計劃,....
-挑戰信仰--為何申請入某公司、行業? 選擇思維太世俗? 用什麽手法? ......

1.2 打工仔 (包括管理層)
-揾食難--受不公平對待、各種壓力, 做奴隸, 要擦鞋、埋堆、玩「遊戲」等--能否持守品格?
-挑戰信仰--做假帳, 賣有問題貨物/服務, 偽造 , 長講大話, 玩弄員工, 等--能否行道?

1.3 做老闆

-守業難--應付市場不明朗、風險, 要生存, 要競爭, 要有社會責任, 領導受壓力, 等--能否持守品格、道德?
-挑戰信仰--有問題的生意手法, 壓迫員工, 欺騙持份者, 等--能否行道、作光鹽?

1.4 做公僕 (公務員、醫務人員、教員、等)
-守崗位難--面對各種不同的要求, 受各種壓力, 有心無力, 等--能否持守品格、服侍的心?
-挑戰信仰--欺騙薪金、福利, 隱瞞事實, 浪費公帑, 捨人為己, 等--能否行道、作光鹽?

1.5 做自由人
-人在江湖--應付不明朗、風險, 要競爭, 要「一腳踢」, 生活不平衡, 收入不穩定, 等--能否有真自由? 「出了埃及」未?
-挑戰信仰--有問題的生意手法, 欺騙持份者, 同流合汙, 等--能否行道、作光鹽?
