About Me

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Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Charles Lam has since 1971 received training in West Germany (telecom) and university education in U.K. (management) and acquired working experiences in Hong Kong and Canada, in a utility company, Hong Kong Government, a multinational organization and a SME. In his career path, he has acquired qualifications from UK institutions including DBA (1990), MBA (1980) and Chartered Engineer (1978). Since 1986, he has left pure engineering to teaching various subjects of business management in Hong Kong for famous universities of Hong Kong, England and United States. He also has served the society as a member of an advisory committee of the Hong Kong Government for eight years, and as the Hon. Chairman of its Consumer Education Group. Later, he set up his own company to offer services as a consultant, writer and speaker. In his 'Second Half Time', he has been working passionately on integrating Christian values with management knowledge, in the marketplace/workplace ministry, serving hospitals, churches and organizations, as a speaker, consultant, life coach, and the leader of a REST Group based on a life story approach. Charles is currently living with his wife in Canada.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009



*檢討和改變弱點 : 短視、沒有方向、生活不平衡、…「身不由己」
*目標導向計劃 : 連結短、中、長目標, 先「石」 後「沙」
*行動學習 : 知而不行的、好比一個無知的人、把房子蓋在沙土上 ! (聖經)
*選擇 : 生活姿彩、突發性事情、休息反思…. 計算價值. 什麽時候要說「不」!
*集中 : 認定「自己」的「基本」活動, 不被「澡音」影響, 向著標桿直跑 (聖經)
*紀律 : 監管和控制方法. 處理壓力的來源
*平衡 : 在人生路上管理好知識、角色、…健康
*評估 : 「標桿」的實踐, 活出有果效的人生

工作坊除了講解理論 , 也引導怎樣實踐。重視原則和長線價值、整全管理, 不只談心理和技巧。在批判思維、討論真實情況及個案中學習。

講授語言/方法 : 粵語。深入淺出。強調實踐理論在現實生活的重要,重視從分享講者及參加者經歷中學習。

講者:林錦華博士 (Dr Charles Lam ) email: charles155@gmail.com

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

「重整事業, 寫好生命故事」工作坊


*在地震、海嘯經歷挫抑、壓力、疲乏、迷失…? 不知怎樣面對將來?
*回答問題 “What is your business?”; 知道作業、職業 、 專業、行業 、事業的關係
*範式轉換 --要定位, 建立品牌、網絡; 自由人或打工仔, 做好知識管理者
*管理變革, 參考POST 模式--熱衷、強項、策略、機會--事半功倍
*向着目標直跑--投資、增值生命資產, 需要選擇 、 集中 、紀律
*平衡生活--PL (私人) , WL (事業) 和 SL (社會)
*生命故事階段 : 起、乘、轉、合, 「現在就是轉機!」; 連結故事上、下半場
*將來怎樣評估你的 (人生或組織)故事; 了解影響、投資、 回報的關係

工作坊除了講解理論 , 也引導怎樣實踐。重視原則和長線價值、整全管理, 不只談技巧。

講授語言/方法 : 粵語。深入淺出。在批判思維、討論真實情況及個案中學習。用多種圖畫解釋。

講者:林錦華博士 (Dr Charles Lam ) email: charles155@gmail.com