About Me

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Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Charles Lam has since 1971 received training in West Germany (telecom) and university education in U.K. (management) and acquired working experiences in Hong Kong and Canada, in a utility company, Hong Kong Government, a multinational organization and a SME. In his career path, he has acquired qualifications from UK institutions including DBA (1990), MBA (1980) and Chartered Engineer (1978). Since 1986, he has left pure engineering to teaching various subjects of business management in Hong Kong for famous universities of Hong Kong, England and United States. He also has served the society as a member of an advisory committee of the Hong Kong Government for eight years, and as the Hon. Chairman of its Consumer Education Group. Later, he set up his own company to offer services as a consultant, writer and speaker. In his 'Second Half Time', he has been working passionately on integrating Christian values with management knowledge, in the marketplace/workplace ministry, serving hospitals, churches and organizations, as a speaker, consultant, life coach, and the leader of a REST Group based on a life story approach. Charles is currently living with his wife in Canada.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

從別人生命故事啟發「 起承轉合」的實踐

*A生命故事 : 英國留學得兩個學位, 短期工作後失業, 看事業, ...., 不能 跳出「安全區」,與人比較, ..., 亂尋知識, 前路迷惘至今,….
*B生命故事 : 未到中年到過40個國家、留學歐洲得兩學位、...30 多份工、5 個行業、...; 靠運氣也努力; ... 結婚生子後, 找方向,.....
*C君生命故事 : 人至中年學業、事業都順利, 到達跨國公司高層管理, dotcom 爆破後失落, 漁翁散網嘗試重建, ....整家回流加國。回顧從前的光輝? 為兒子前途犧牲?...心意更新? 怎樣忘記背後, 向着標桿直跑?....

*D君生命故事: 三十多年在、在加經歷品質管理道德争戰, 神的話語成為地圖、指南針, 連結事業與侍奉。..其後在加集中職場侍奉--牧養、講道、更新教會、管理顧問 視現在就是轉機, 擴張境界!.......
從以上學習寫好生命故事 ( 不單是信仰見証):

解釋 、承 、轉、合」四個階段從過去學習 : 成績、感受, 了解自心意更新: 關於成功、事業、為誰辛苦為忙!人生路連結事業、家庭生活和社會責任向前策略 : 定標, 追踪和檢討Key words: 選擇 、 集中、紀律 、 平衡

講者: Dr Charles K W Lam 林錦華博士 管理顧問生涯導師
日  期20101218日(星期
時  間10:00 至 下午1:00 (小時)


工作坊:「行動學習」(Action Learning) 的基礎


-解釋 「行動學習」輪轉 (AL Cycle) : 概念 -> 實踐 -> 經驗 -> 反思
-怎樣用「行動學習」螺旋 (AL Spiral) 持續增值, 達到目標
-分析個人學習風格的獨特 , 和怎樣戰勝軟弱
-解釋「第二環學習」(Double-loop Learning) : 第二層檢討,「學會學」

講者: Dr Charles K W Lam 林錦華博士 DBA, MBA, CEng., MIEE (78)
Director, Management Consultant 管理顧問生涯導師
1971年,在香港及加拿大工作, 包括公共機構、政府、跨國公司及中小企。在事業途中獲取英國認可工程師 (78)、管理學碩士(80)及博士學位(90)。有十多年在著名美國、英國及香港的大學及機構教管理經驗。然後公司機構醫院教會等顧問、寫作、講座提供服務在香港政府一個諮詢委員會擔任委員八年, 及其教育小組義務主席。曾在香港立法局南華早報香港電台及多本雜誌中表達思想 參加過他課程的人士包括MBA 畢業生、管理人、專業人、傳道人、家庭管家、自僱者、待業者等。 現今也是生涯導師, 並帶領由生命故事主導的REST小組